Digital marketing Tag

Understanding if your website is converting well or not is a complicated business.  Throwing your marketing budget at the home page can make it look pretty. Pouring over your content can gain great SEO rankings. And delivering preppy promotion can see your traffic increasing. But that doesn’t automatically mean your website conversion rate will be good. If you’ve invested lots in the above, and your conversion rate...

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Apple’s tracking policy: what does it mean for platforms, advertisers and you?  With iOS 14, Apple announced a key new privacy feature: the ability to opt-out of third-party tracking while using apps on their iOS devices, as well as Apple TV. This has huge implications for advertisers: if users opt-out on mass and can no longer be tracked. Here we ask ourselves how can data be...

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With 2020 firmly under our belts we have already weathered a large storm in business after last year's on-and-off, open-or-not-open way of working. To top it off, Brexit has had implications on some of us too. But what should you do to help your business when you can't trade? Heading into 2021 we are all hoping for the better days. But while many are battening down...

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Interactive Marketing

If your business was a mythical animal, what would it be?  [caption id="attachment_4820" align="aligncenter" width="873"] We'd be a unicorn! What about you?[/caption] Your answer here doesn't matter. What does matter is that you're thinking about it. You want to tell us about your business. We've got your attention. It's pretty amazing how a simple question can immediately grab a reader's focus. And most people love to tell you about...

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This summer’s Advertising Pays report predicts that almost two-thirds of the UK’s ad spend will be online by 2020. What a statistic! With Britain becoming the largest advertising market in Europe, with £1.34bn being spent online last year alone, the role of the marketing professional is changing and becoming increasingly digital.  Mainstream online advertising began back in 2000, with the introduction of Google AdWord. Facebook followed a few...

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Boost Failing Facebook Ads!   The Offer or Lead Magnet  If your offer isn't right for the audience, no amount of persistance is going to make it work. You can't force people to be interested and quite often, it's not what business owners think that they want! The key is to understand the audience combined with the kind of offers that work on Facebook (remember, what works for...

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