A list of random UK holidays to celebrate on social media (and some important ones too!)
On Social Media Content is King
Finding new and exciting things to post on social media all year round can be a big challenge. If you are running a business and managing your social media accounts, it becomes even more difficult. They say that content is king because content is how you are able to engage with new audiences and share information about your brand. However, spending time thinking up new and exciting ideas can be time-consuming. That’s why we’ve created this handy content ideas guide, focusing on national holidays and events.
Making social media easy for you…
During the year you can use this guide and select a holiday or event to focus on, then create shareable images, blogs, events or videos linked to that particular holiday. These can then be shared on your website and social profiles. But remember, our ideas are just a guide, make sure the random holidays you choose are relevant to your business and your brand!
Let us know what you think…
We would love to see comments from you, so please feel free to share your favourite random holidays with us in the comments and the ways you have used these on your social media. Our list of random UK holidays is not exhaustive and there are always more quirky days being added each year. So, why not bookmark this page for those busy days when you are struggling for ideas and are in desperate need of some inspiration.
January 1
New Year’s Day
January 4
Trivia Day: #NationalTriviaDay
Januarary 8
Elvis Presley’s Birthday
January 15
Hat Day: #NationalHatDay
January 17
Ditch Your Resolution Day: #DitchYourResolutionDay
January 20
Cheese Lovers Day: #NationalCheeseLoversDay
January 23
Community Manager Appreciation Day: #CMAD
January 25
Opposite Day: #OppositeDay
Burns Night
February 7
Send a Card to a Friend Day: #SendACardToAFriendDay
February 11
Inventors Day: #NationalInventorsDay
February 14
Valentine’s Day
February 15
Singles Awareness Day: #SinglesAwarenessDay
February 17
Random Acts of Kindness Day: #RandomActsOfKindnessDay
February 22
Margarita Day: #NationalMargaritaDay
February 28
Shrove Tuesday
March 1
St David’s Day
March 3
Day of Unplugging: #NationalDayOfUnplugging
March 14
Potato Chip Day: #NationalPotatoChipDay
March 17
St Patrick’s Day
March 18
Awkward Moments Day: #AwkwardMomentsDay
March 23
Puppy Day: #NationalPuppyDay
March 30
Doctors Day: #NationalDoctorsDay
April 1
April Fool’s Day
April 7
Beer Day: #NationalBeerDay
April 10
Siblings Day: #NationalSiblingsDay
April 11
Pet Day: #NationalPetDay
April 20
Look-alike Day: #NationalLookAlikeDay
April 22
Earth Day: #EarthDay
April 23
St George’s Day
April 30
Honesty Day: #NationalHonestyDay
May 1
May Day
May 2
Thank a Teacher Day: #ThankATeacher
May 4
Star Wars Day: #StarWarsDay (or #MayThe4thBeWithYou)
May 6
Nurses Day: #NursesDay
May 10
Receptionists Day: #NationalReceptionistDay
May 24
Scavenger Hunt Day: #NationalScavengerHuntDay
June 2
Donut Day: #NationalDonutDay
June 8
Best Friends Day: #NationalBestFriendsDay
June 21
Selfie Day: #NationalSelfieDay
June 30
Social Media Day: #SMDay
July 1
Joke Day: #InternationalJokeDay
July 10
Pina Colada Day: #NationalPinaColadaDay
July 13
French Fry Day: #NationalFrenchFryDay
July 20
Moon Day: #NationalMoonDay
July 24
Cousins Day: #NationalCousinsDay
August 9
Book Lovers Day: #NationalBookLoversDay
August 12
Middle Child Day: #MiddleChildDay
August 15
Relaxation Day: #NationalRelaxationDay
August 27
Just Because Day: #JustBecauseDay
September 3
Beard Day: #WorldBeardDay
September 12
Video Games Day: #NationalVideoGamesDay
September 19
Talk Like A Pirate Day: #TalkLikeAPirateDay (or #TLAPD)
September 21
Day of Peace: #InternationalDayOfPeace
September 30
Podcast Day: #InternationalPodcastDay
October 1
Coffee Day: #InternationalCoffeeDay
October 4
Taco Day: #NationalTacoDay
October 15
Maths Day: #WorldMathsDay
October 29
Internet Day: #InternetDay
October 31
November 1
Authors Day: #NationalAuthorsDay
November 4
Candy Day: #NationalCandyDay
November 5
Bonfire Night
November 11
Remembrance Day
November 13
Kindness Day: #WorldKindnessDay
November 21
Entrepreneurs Day: #NationalEntrepreneursDay
November 30
St Andrew’s Day
December 4
Cookie Day: #NationalCookieDay
December 11
Mountain Day: #InternationalMountainDay
December 15
Cupcake Day: #NationalCupcakeDay
December 21
Crossword Puzzle Day: #CrosswordPuzzleDay
December 25
Christmas Day
December 30
Bacon Day: #BaconDay