Business Tag

With 2020 firmly under our belts we have already weathered a large storm in business after last year's on-and-off, open-or-not-open way of working. To top it off, Brexit has had implications on some of us too. But what should you do to help your business when you can't trade? Heading into 2021 we are all hoping for the better days. But while many are battening down...

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As many of us make the transition to working from home over the next few weeks, we thought we would put together some of our top tips from our team of experienced remote workers. DP Marketing Communications has been pioneering the virtual business since 2015 and we have learnt some brilliant ways to stay focused when you need to work from home, from focus, organisation and creating...

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What is SEO anyway? SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) is the practice of increasing the quantity and quality of traffic to your website through organic search engine results. Or, in layman's terms, getting highly ranked by Google so you can be found easily by people looking for your products or services.  SEO for SMEs As an SME, you're in the process of building your business. You need a regular...

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You may or may not have noticed, but there have been some recent changes with how your search results are shown on Google…but what does this actually mean for businesses and marketers?  The good news is, that to an extent you can control how you let this affect your business depending on how you deal with the change.  If you are a marketer you will already...

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Have a great news story to promote your company but are unsure of how to get it out to the press? Don't worry, we can help with our press release services for small businesses. DP Marketing Communications offer a press release writing and distribution service for businesses that understand the power of the media and the benefits that it holds to improving awareness with your target audience. We have...

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