Online Security for Small Business Owners in 2018

Web Maintenance Flyer

Online Security for Small Business Owners in 2018

Do I need to worry about online security?

It’s easy to assume that small businesses aren’t at risk from cyber attacks and security threats. After all, who’d want to target a small business when there are competitors with millions of customers? Sadly, this isn’t the case. Small businesses are at risk of online security breaches and hackers, simply because they are usually an easy target. You wouldn’t leave the door to your business wide open at night, would you? With hackers and viruses rife online, it’s important to secure your online business, too.

Why are small businesses vulnerable to security threats?

Small businesses are particularly vulnerable to online security threats and cyber attacks, not just because of their size. In fact, there are a lot of reasons why small businesses are just as much at risk as larger companies:

  • Small businesses can lack the specialist security expertise needed to keep things safe. Also, small business budgets rarely cover hiring an onsite professional to fix things when they go wrong.
  • Many people work remotely for small businesses, particularly startups. Logging onto that unsecure cafe WiFi is risky business and can leave systems open to digitally-transmitted diseases.
  • Small businesses tend to have less secure websites than larger competitors, some without SSL certificates. This is also true for email accounts, payment processes and general systems – all of which hold data that can be valuable to hackers.
  • Small businesses usually have fewer processes and controls in place to protect themselves from threats and hackers, and are much less likely to identify the source of the attack.
  • With fewer systems and fewer people, it’s easy for small businesses to lose data without realising. This means security breaches and hackers often go undetected until it’s too late.

So, what’s the answer?

The best way to ensure your business is safe from online security problems is to enlist the help of experts. We just happen to have put a great deal of effort into creating packages and plans specifically created with small businesses in mind. Whether you’re looking to keep your website safe from hackers or you’re worried about digitally-transmitted viruses, we’re on hand to help.

Web Security Package Flyer

To find out more about website security, simply drop us an email and ask about our web maintenance and security packages. By speaking to one of our dedicated security experts, you’ll soon see that website security is a worthy investment. Get in touch with us today.

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