Unlock the storytelling potential of your About Us page

Unlock the storytelling potential of your About Us page

Once upon a time, the modest About Us page could only be found in the footer of a website. Its only content, a simple copy and paste of a company’s mission and vision statements.


An afterthought. An obligation. A distraction from design.


But thank Google, those times have changed and the age of captivating content born. And with it, the simple About Us page transformed from a dull necessity into a rich, storytelling paradise providing individuals and companies’ with a valuable opportunity to connect with customers and humanise your brand.


Unlock your About Us page potential


Crafting an engaging About Us page, which highlights your brand and unique selling point, can seem a little daunting. But, in fact, the stories shared on About Us pages are often just based on these three essential messages:


  1. Who you are
  2. What you sell
  3. Why you do it


But it doesn’t just stop there.


Although the best About Us pages are simple, using written word, photos, videos and graphics, they can cleverly tell a narrative that gives potential customers a glimpse at the team and values behind the brand.


So before you hit that publish button, why not consider the following:


It’s not just history, it’s your story.


Don’t be afraid of where you’ve come from. If you started out in your parent’s office or your school’s library, say so. Every detail or anecdote from your humble beginning to where you are now, helps give values and motivations that your customers can identify with.


We love nifty timelines which detail milestones in the creation and development of your company, like this one from the Royal London.



Get up close and personal


You’ve got skills and a great team behind you, so as well as describing your company values and principles, reach out to your audience by showcasing your best assets on your About Us page.


Be creative in your introductions, using photos, videos and graphics to draw the eye and introduce personality as well as skills sets which not only feed into your overall mission but can help clients achieve their goals.


We love adding a sprinkling of personal hobbies and interests into lists of team of skill sets.

Build trust


Trust is an important value to build in all company and client relationships. You wouldn’t apply for a job without references so why not approach your About Us page in the same way?


We love client testimonials and infographics detailing success stories. Links to social media, can also help.



Leave out the fluff


We all love a bit of fluff in a book or a film. But there is a time and a place for its use and your About Us page just isn’t it. Set all fluff and industry related jargon aside and instead, keep it simple. Use facts not hype and write from a first person perspective, to provide an authentic voice to describe your product and services with.


We love short, sharp sentences using plain English, and it just so happens, Google does too.


And, don’t forget…


Every story has an ending so make sure you end your About Us page in the best possible way. Secure future business and engagement by including a clear and inviting call to action, of course.



Need some help?


If writing captivating content makes your knees crumble. Don’t worry! Our content crew can help!


Get in touch for a free consultation

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