7 Reasons Why You Need a Professional Email Signature

7 Reasons Why You Need a Professional Email Signature

Would you scribble your name and number on a scrap piece of paper and hand it to a prospective client? Of course you wouldn’t! So why would you settle for less than the best for your business by having a sub-standard Email Signature?


HTML Email Signature


Your email signature is no less important than a Business Card and is a direct reflection of your business and your professionalism, and these are the reasons why:


  1. It shows personality – your brand is the personality of your business, don’t hide it away!
  2. It shows your openness to communication – an email signature should include your contact details, address, links to Social Media and your website or blog.  It shows that you are happy to connect in every way possible.
  3. It shows professionalism, which creates authority and reassures your client or prospect that they are dealing with safe hands.
  4. Promotion – every email signature should contain at least one Call To Action.  You can link to your website, blog, an E-Book, promote conferences and events, and much more.
  5. An email signature is like a short biography – think of it as your 30 second elevator pitch!  At a glance your reader can know everything about you (that you want them to know of course!)
  6. Your email signature is your social networking tool – a business card with every message.
  7. A badly designed email signature may not perform across all platforms and devices.  A well designed HTML email signature will be readable by any user.


For a limited time only, DP Marketing Communications are providing professionally designed HTML email signatures for just £25!




If you would like to apply for a professionally designed HTML email signature designed by a professional marketing agency, simply complete this form and we will be in touch!




    Better still, if you prefer the more personal touch please just email us at hello@dpmarketingcommunications.com – you can even take a peek at our own signature when you hear back from us!


    DP Marketing Communications is a full service marketing agency serving businesses across the UK.  The marketing agency…without the marketing price tag!



    • Posted at 8:47 pm, October 12, 2016

      I like that all it takes is a simple Google search to find details like this that will assist me end up being knowledgeable about digital marketing in general. I’m curious, how long have you been working in this market?

      • Sophie Casey
        Posted at 9:30 am, October 13, 2016

        Hi Aiko, thanks for your comment. We have 12 years experience in the Industry and DP Marketing Communications has been trading for a couple of years. Are you a small business owner yourself? Would you like a chat about digital marketing?

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